Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. WildSmart Program

    3. What does it mean to coexist with wildlife?

    4. DIG DEEPER!

    1. Local Wildlife

    2. DIG DEEPER!

    1. Introduction

    2. Avoiding Encounters with Wildlife

    3. Handling Encounters with Wildlife

    4. STOP, TALK & WALK

    5. Quiz

    6. DIG DEEPER!

    1. Bears 101

    2. Seasonal Considerations

    3. DIG DEEPER!

    4. Handling Bear Attacks

    5. Self Reflection Question

    6. Handling Bear Attacks

    7. Know your Bears

    8. Why do bears and other wildlife come into town?

    9. Quiz

    10. DIG DEEPER!

    1. Elk 101

    2. Elk Calving Season (May-June)

    3. Elk Calving and Rutting Seasons

    4. Handling Encounters with Elk

    5. Quiz

    6. DIG DEEPER!

    1. Cougars 101

    2. Handling Encounters with a Cougar, Wolf, or Coyote

    3. Quiz

    4. DIG DEEPER!

About this course

  • Free
  • 69 lessons

This online training course was made possible with the generous support from: